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Sentoes at Ise city : Japanese public bath houses 

Ise-shima sikou-kai

Sentoes in Ise city
Japanese public bath houses
Kinsui-Yu & Shio-yu
Kinsui-Yu(Iwabuchi 3-6-39) very close to Oda-no-Hashi Bridge at Furuichi. 
Shio-yu (Jinkyu 1-1-16) near traditional space Kawasaki, hotspring with open-air bath. 
Heal Spa Ise & Mitasu-no-yu
Heal Spa Ise (Iwabuti 1-2-13) in front of Geku shurine
Mitasu no Yu (Funae 1-471-3) [map], near traditional space Kawasaki, big& hot spring with open-air bath.
Izutsu-yu & Reisen-yu
Izutu-Yu (Sone 1-10-11) [map], 15 min from Ise-shi Station,
 standerdtype, very hot.
Reisen-Yu (Kawasaki 1-7-39) [map], near traditional space Kawasaki, standerd type.
Kotobuki-yu & Tokiwa-yu
Kotobuki-Yu (Sone 2-10-12) [map], 15 min from Ise-shi Station, standerdtype, with open-air bath.
Tokiwa-Yu (Tokiwa 2-9-21) [map], 15 min from Ise-shi Station, standerdtype, not hot and relaxed.

How to enjoy a sento?

Enter under the Noren entrance & keep your shoes in the box
and don't forget to keep your key by yourself.

Pay the fee appro. 400 en at  the reception.

After  the 
reception, there are two gates for men or for women
You can't choose the gate,
if you are man, you have to choose the gate for men.

After the gate ,there is a room for taking off your clothes.
Keep you closes in the box and keep your key by 

Let's enter to the bath room without clothes

Bathing manner


   ●Take off your underwear before you go in.

   Wash yourself well before getting into the tub.

   Use the shower while sitting and turn it off when you don't use it.

   Keep your towel out of the tub.

   ●Refrain from washing your clothes or underwear.

   ●Dry yourself off before coming out to the dressingarea.

What kind of a place is a sento? 
How useful are sentos for our health?


A Sento was originally a public bath-house for people that did not have
 a bath at home. The number of sentoes has declined since  Showa 40
 (1965) as the number of homes with baths increased. Now  we are in
 the Heisei Era (1989~)and times have changed. Sentoes have been
 reevaluated as a kind of hot spring in a town,a kind of spa here
 people can relax. They are now regarded more as a luxury, an
nexpensive leisure spot for all, and have regained popularity.

ln the luxury of a large deep bath your body is warmed
 completely.  Blood flow increases. ln the warmth of the bat fatigue
 melts away.  Your body is light in the water. Tired muscles and joints
 are restored.  More than this, in a large deep bath brain waves show
 how the mind  is relaxed. The whole body is refreshed.

There are no clothes in the bath, no business suits, no uniforms. 
 Everyone is the same. Communication is easy and free. It is an  
interesting side effect of the bath,
turn pure human communication.
 It is an in side of a panese culture. ln

 Japanese it is called "socializing naked."


The history of Sento. 
Sento is part of traditional culture with a long history in Japan


Sento history begins in the 6th century. It was the time Buddhism arrived
 in Japan. Some early cleaning of Buddhist statues, or for the monks the
 selves to use.

A few centuries later temples began to allow the public to use
 their baths. Bathing became popular among common people. At the
 end of 12th century bathing facilities began to open as private
 businesses. This was the beginning of the Sento. Sento became
 popular during the Edo era (1603-1868
). Building of private baths was
 prohibited as a measure to prevent fires in the city of Edo (present
 Tokyo). Many Sentoes were built. Sentoes remained popular after the
 Edo era. Many families continued to use Sentoes until around the 40th
 year of  Syouwa (1965-74).

  from " Discover Real Japan Sento " of Japan national Sento Association

continued, Now  writing

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