Historical site of a theater
kabuki "Iseondo koi-no-netaba"
Abura-ya in Meiji era
There is a stone sign marking the siteof a theater at Furuichi. It was said that an
actor could not be called a starwith no stage experience here. Furuichi was the only
place in the lse districtthat the best actors performed. Thus Furuichi was well known
throughout thewhole country.This is the site of the Chosei-za,oneof the three big theaters of Firuichi. Play
performance needed scripts,costumes,wigs, cosmetics and various props. Chitsuka-
ya,originally a Geisha house,changedinto a rental shop for producing plays in 1808,
and lasted till 1979 (Showa54).
Various pictures and goods relatedto Chitsuka-ya are exhibited in the Shinto
Museum of Kogakkan
university,where you can see them free of charge.