Oda-no-hashi Bridge
At the foot of the bridge across theSetagawa River stands a guide board. It reads that the bridge is the
entranceto Furuichi street once a prosperous route with the river being used to carryofferings to the Gods
In 1641, the powerful national figureKasuga-no-Tsubone゛(1579-1643) donated the bronze tops to
ornament the bridgesupports, showing the prestige of Furuichi throughout the 17th century Japan.Later
the tops were treasured in the Jingu Chokokan, but unfortunately were burned down by air attack in 1945.
The present ones are modeled after theoriginals.
In the small park by river there remains an old mile-stone showingthe direction to Futami,Furuichi and
Myoken town (Onoe cho). At a corner thereis a guide board telling the history of the street.
A daughter of a military commander,she wetnursed Tokugawa Iemitsu, later the third Shogun. She
controlled theShogun's harem, and after his inauguration as Shogun, even took part indeciding his