Bathing Culture of lse
Purify Yourself with Seawater
before Your Visit to Sacred Shrines.
Does the Japanese tradition of public bathing originate from sea bathing?
The Japanese words meaning“swimming beach" (海水浴場) and "public bath" (公衆浴場) contain the same characters, respectively. Originally,the Japanese culture of sea bathing started for the enhancement of people's health.
日本初の公認 海水浴場となった二見浦 (海水医療鉱泉として明治政府公認)
Futamiura as Japan's first designated swimming beach.(Once officially designate by the Japanese government in Meiji period (1868-1912) as a beach for thalassotherapy.)
The Futamiura Beasch is known as the first swimming beach designated by the Japanese government on 1882, and people enjoyed bathing (both in warm and cod water) for health enhancement and recovery from sickness.
古来より伊勢神宮への参拝者が心身を清める喫の場であった二見浦。当舘では、伊勢神宮への参拝前に銭湯で禊の体験をしていただこうと朝と夕の2回、ニ見浦から汲みあげた海水を使った湯をご用意しています。Since ancient times, the Futamiura Beach has been a holly place where pilgrims purify themselves before their visit to the Grand Shrine of lse known as “lse Jingu." We offer you bath services using seawater, which is brought from the Futamiura Beach twice a day (namely in the morning and evening), so that you can also purify yourself prior to your visit to lse Jlngu.
Traditionally, we welcome our guests with sacred hot water (Misogi-no-yu) before they make a vist to Ise Jingu.
Our heartwarming hospitality as a public bathhouse.
Traditionally, Ise Jingu has been reconstructed every 20 years to keep its freshness forever. We also pass on such a spirit of Ise Jingu to our guests by making them feel refreshed just like newborns.
We transport seawater from the Futamiura Beach every day.
館長 酒徳覚三
We also serve as a Street Corner Museum.
We have some public bath-related objects including a statue of Yoichi Ise from Ise, who is known as the first person to open a public bathhouse in Japan.
Curator Kakuzou Sakatoku
旭湯 お陰風呂 営業時間12:00~翌O:30 ※不定休(月1・2回平日休業あり) 近鉄・JR伊勢市駅、近鉄宇治山田駅より徒歩7分 らくらく駐車 入浴料 400円
Asahiyu-Okageburo open: 12:oo to 0:30 next day
CIosed irregularly. 7 minutes foot from Kintetsu/JR Iseshi Stations or Kintetsu Ujiyamada Station. We have enough parking capacity. Entrance fee ¥400.
伊勢市神久1丁目1-16 TEL 0596-25-1126
Contact Information
[Address]1-1-6 Jinkyu, Ise-shi, Mie 516-0017, Japan